Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog at http://www.mycharmingkids.net/ to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. "I created Not Me! Monday for the purpose of confessing our shortcomings and imperfections to each other since, after all, we are all only human!" (MckMama's words) Every Monday, you can find more "Not Me! Monday" at her site. This week seems like it flew by! As if every week doesn't these days... anyhow, it is Monday again so here goes my UN-Confessional of this week...I certainly did not leave a pot once beautiful plant of dead leaves and too much dirt on the hearth so that my adorable 10 month old dd (who is now standing assisted and pulling up on everything!) could reach! She most definately did not put her hand right in and grab a handful of lucious soil that didn't go straight to the mouth! I always keep everything out of my children's reach that they shouldn't have! Not Me!
This week when trying to reach the wipes (which were across the floor) while changing a diaper, I did not leave my dd unattended on the couch by herself. She then did not roll over, trying to sit up and then fall off the couch! I would never let something like that happen with me right there.. I always watch my children better than that! Nope, Not me! Trying to wait till payday to spend any money I did not wait to buy diapers assuming that we had enough to make it through, then discover I was out while baby girl sat in a poopy diaper! I then surely did not go rummaging through the house and the van looking for any stray diapers! I am always prepared for my children! Thankfully, I did not have a few diapers crammed under a seat in the van which saved the day. Nope, Not me! On Sunday, I did not forget, (for the third week in a row) to go get a sunday paper since we are trying to coupon nd save money. I then did not drive to 4 different places looking for one at 10:30 at night having no luck. Desperate to try and redem myself and find some coupons I also did not comment on my facebook status about my dilema asking for a donation of coupons! I would never do a silly thing like that! I always remember important things like that! Nope, Not me! Lastly, I did not take the time to finally clean out not one, or two... but three old purses that have been shoved in a corner of my room for months. And when doing so did not find several important things including my social security card, credit cards, and unused gift cards! I am more organized than that... why would I leave that kind of stuff in an old forgotten spot like that? Nope, Not me!
It always amazes me how this list grows as I type... I start out with one or two thoughts in mind thinking humm... I didn't really have anything happen this week. Then more and more the thoughts flood my mind and the list could go on and on! I have so many imperfections... I am humbled and thankful for a Heavenly Father who loves me and acceptes me as I am, a family who loves me and needs me and other special relationships who somehow put up with my shortcomings! I am Loved. I am Thankful. I am Blessed.
So how about you? What did you not do this week??
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