Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sweet Kayleigh


My heart is broken for this sweet family...Please join me in prayer for them. They have a long hard journey ahead of them. Kayleigh is a precious miracle baby who was born almost 12 weeks early weighing only 1lb 1oz. She overcame so much in her early months and went through hundreds of surgeries and On Monday night, Kayleigh went to Heaven... to rest in the arms of Jesus. For 11 months this family spent endless hours by her side in the NICU and were never able to bring there little girl home. Click on the button above to read her story. It has been a long road for them but we can rest in peace knowing that she has been made new.. and is pain free and whole in her eternal home.

I love to picture what that must be like... running down the streets of gold... all the precious little ones who left this earth what feels like too soon. My precious Brayden was able to meet Kayleigh before I was! I hope they are enjoying being in the presence of our Heavenly father, and believe they are watching us from above.

Their journey has just begun. They will need our prayers for days, weeks, and years to come. Pray for Adam and Amiee, their marriage, their 2 older children. For a peace that passes all understanding, strength to make it through each step, and comfort that comes from the arms of our Heavenly Father who is holding them tight.

We can't wait to see you again one day sweet Kayleigh... Let Jesus Hold you till Mommy and Daddy can hold you again...

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