Saturday, January 1, 2011

Transparency... Resolutions, and New Beginnings

As we begin this new year of 2011, I have found myself reflecting on the last year. 2010 was a year of ups and downs. A year of challenges, a year of blessings, and a year of change.
I also have begun to think of the things that I desire to change for this coming year. At this time you hear talk of "Resolutions" and new vows to be made in the new year.

They say that truth sets you free.. and that getting things in the open will help you to get through them or overcome them. So, I have decided to be transparent about some things in my life. I am ready for change. I desire this year to be a year of growth, and of positive improvements spiritually, emotionally, physically and socially.
I have heard this song a few times but never truly listened to it until the other day. It spoke to me, it shook the core of who I am. I felt like the lyrics were speaking the truth of my life. It depicts exactly where I feel I am right now.

So... Here are the things I am challenging myself to do this year... I am ready for change, I need the change, and I am going to make things better.

Most importantly....Re discover God- Re claiming the passion, the hunger for the things of God that I once had. To have a real, intimate, personal and daily relationship with my savior.
1/ Daily devotions-- quiet time with Him. (Mornings- after Bus)
PRAYER- To spend time daily with Jesus... Seeking, Thanking, Listening, and Worshiping.
Reading through the Bible- Studying and digging into the word, through The Message.
Instilling these important things into my children. Reading scripture/Bible stories with them, and encouraging and helping them to memorize scripture.

2/ Fast 21 days with Church
At the start of the new year, our church begins a corporate three week fast. This year, I have made the committment to join in with this fast as a time to grow spiritually, as well as to begin a healthy weightloss journey. I have chosen to follow a modified Daniel Fast eating mostly fruits and vegetables and abstaining from Sodas, Sweets, Red Meat, and most dairy products. I know that this experience will stretch me in new ways, and will be a challenge but I pray that it deepens my dependancy on Christ and gives me a new perspective.

3/ Loose weight-- Excercise -- Get Healthier! It is beyond time for a change. I want to feel better physically, to care for my body and gain energy for the things life brings my way. This will help me to be there for my children and be able to do more with them and for them.

4/ Organize Bills/ paperwork. As part of re claiming my life back in 2011 I will get back on track financially. I desire to sit and create a budget, and learn to stick to it. Things must get more organized so that Bills can be paid, on time and important papers kept and filed away. Debt Snowball updated, and tackled!

5/ Because of B.R.A.Y.D.E.N. This coming year has the potential to be an amazing year for B.O.B. as well as for my personal growth and healing. It is my #1 goal to obtain our 501 (3) (c) status and put together a working board of directors to help, support, and improve all that we hope to do. New opportunities are opening up every day and I pray that God will use me, in the ways He desires to make a difference in this field.

6/ COUPON!! As overwhelming as it feels, I want to make it work for our family. With the help of friends, family, and some helpful websites I will work hard to learn the art of couponing as a way to be more frugile with our finances.

Something else that I have decided to do this year is a fun project I saw on another blog and also have seen done by a close friend. I look forward to opening my eyes to the things around me, to choose Daily to be thankful for all the things in my life. I will be recording them in a photo album on facebook. I am excited to see all the things we are so blessed with and stretch myself with this challenge.

Project 365: THANKful

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